Monday, September 21, 2009
Reflection Post
The impact of all these vocabulary words have had on me is making me aware of my use of words.This course in reading is not only for reading for me, but also for Theatre, English, math, science etc. It has effected my daily life from the train conductor to radio annoucers using unknown and known vocabulary. The current words that I have now been recognized with beautiful words surround me like ubiquitous. This particular word is always being used by the conductor on the train along with awry, queer and diabolical. He gives me my word of the day everyday of the week. When I see a word nowadays, I tend to stop and look them up right then or if I don't have a dictionary present I mark the word and look at it later. I try to use the techniques that are shown in class to make my experience in reading more effective. I have to admit, I don't use a lot of these words in my vocabulary. If I do use these atrocious words they are usually out of context. I am trying to use them in the correct context when I want to show off to my friends and family. Learning and using these new vocabulary words make me feel better. Though once the test comes I would freak out about the definition and context clues and screw them all up. I know the words that need to be known but like a car accident between a cement truck and an SUV, my mind just explodes with all that is on the page. Overall, it may take me awhile to get some more words into my daily life but I am doing the best I can. I will continue learning new words from now to enternity, well until I die.